The BSWC Statement

The Black Sex Worker Collective has released a statement in response to Uganda’s persecution of our siblings through the Anti-homosexuality Bill of 2021. The statement begins as follows:

Uganda’s anti-gay agenda is nothing short of an instance of neocolonialism and the Ugandan government has failed a large swath of its population by once again succumbing to colonial influence. Scott Lively, Exodus International (a failed American ex-gay lobby), and the Ugandan parliament, we, the Black Sex Workers Collective, condemn the hateful roots you have sown. The blood of innocent Ugandans is on your hands. The government has once again neglected sexual diversity in collaboration with a lobby group that failed to gain traction in their own country. We call on the Ugandan government to reject this harmful colonial export. This collaboration in bigotry builds on instead of dismantles the anti-gay agenda of the British imposed Ugandan Penal Code Act of 1950. We will support our Ugandan siblings in fighting for their rights to life and liberty.

Read the full statement here.